Eva McGowan, Camberwell Shoot

Every once in a while a shoot comes along which combines all the elements one could possibly hope for. In this instance, I was invited to shoot my amazing friend singer/songwriter, Eva McGowan in a beautiful art deco house once owned by her grandparents. The house was soon to be sold and possibly demolished.

In particular, Eva had not known her grandmother of whom she was named after, so being in the house and capturing these images held great significance for her and added an extra dimension to the shoot. As we explored the space within the house and the light each room had to offer, there was a growing sense of connection to a generation past, of memory and of spirit.

The idea of the images shot in the bathroom using the mirror came from Eva herself. Eva was referencing a photograph she had of her grandmother standing in front of that same mirror some sixty years earlier. The mirror itself being in some way a conduit connecting generations through time- connected by heritage, place and name.